My toddler? TODDLER? Where did my baby go, and can't I ease into Toddler-hood and revel in the last few moments of Baby Kate-hood? No and no. Kate is now my toddler in all aspects of the word, according to Baby Center and all the other similar websites out there.
How can this be? The time is flying by frighteningly fast and I'm beginning to worry that I'm missing it. I try to stay focused on all the good things we have to look forward to, but it is hard not to miss all the baby things.
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Our toddler. |
Since we have just passed Kate's first birthday, I figured a thorough run down of what she is doing, how she is sleeping, her likes and dislikes, etc. was in order, so here we are!
(Sidebar: This is your warning. The remainder of the lengthy post is all about Kate. And I mean ALL ABOUT Kate. If you are bored with hearing about a
Kate's Stats
Height: 29" (45th percentile)
Weight: 21 lbs. 3.5 oz (72nd percentile)
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Kate at her 12 month check-up! Our toddler. |
Kate has been successfully sleeping through the night for quite some time now. She is given a bath around 6-6:30 pm, read a few books (most of the time it's about three) while we share in some cuddles (us and her pink blanket that we don't dare leave the house without), and gets fed one last time which usually puts her to sleep. If she is not sleeping after her last feeding, she is laid in her crib and falls asleep on her own. Her favorite nighttime books are Goodnight, Owl by DwellStudio, Peek-A-Moo by Marie Torres Cimarusti, Who's a Bunny by Bunnies by the Bay, and Whose Eyes Are These by Peg Hall.
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Picking out a nighttime book. |
We have been fortunate enough to be able to strictly breastfeed Kate for a whole year. That was always the main goal and between pumping at work and preparing sippy cups for her school we have been successful. I am extremely grateful and thankful that my body has allowed us to breastfeed for such a long time. We recently started transitioning Kate to whole milk which she has had no trouble with so far.
She drinks solely out of a sippy cup at home and at school and is readily munching on toddler friendly items that we find on our very own dinner plates. She absolutely loves all fruits. We have yet to find a fruit that she doesn't like! She also really likes broccoli, avocado, turkey, and hot dogs.
She mainly eats with her hands but has become interested in using utensils, so we have started offering her a spoon or fork with her food. It still amazes me how someone so little knows what to do with a spoon and fork! She is one smart cookie!
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She looks so BIG using utensils! |
Kate loves music. She points at our kitchen radio that streams our Pandora and makes an 'ugh' sound every time the music is not on. She loves the Gummy Bear Song and I Like to Move it, Move it from Madagascar (both of which she heard in school), in addition to Lady Gaga. She also loves to dance! This girl has music in her bones! As a matter of fact, one day when I went to pick her up from school, Kate's teacher said that she thought Kate knew the words 'music' and 'gummy bears'. These, my friends, are the keys to my heart, but, besides that, I was so intrigued I asked the teacher to go on. This is how I found out about the Gummy Bear Song. Music and gummy bears!
I would argue that Kate's favorite color is currently green though it was orange and/or red, and her favorite animal (based on bath toy preference) are these three little frogs that we have. She also loves dogs and squeals in delight when she sees them out at the park or walking with their owners.
Kate loves playing with her safari puzzle, which mainly involves pulling all of the pieces off, pulling everything out of cabinets, drawers, toy boxes, and bins and putting it all back in, placing objects inside of things and dumping them all out, and exploring.
She loves, LOVES her Mommy. I sometimes joke that she is a stage five clinger because there are times that I cannot even leave the room without a protest, even when Daddy is in plain sight. We know this is a phase and there will be a time that she will care less if I am in the room or not, so I cherish this stage five clinger phase and will secretly mourn the moments that she doesn't notice when I'm not around.
Kate is such a sweetheart, but, like any 12 month old, she does have her moments. When things don't go her way, she bangs her head on whatever hard surface is nearest. This has involved folding in half to bang her head on the floor while seated on the floor and throwing her head back against cabinets, walls, and crib sides while seated in their vicinity. Her Mommy and Daddy don't like this one bit a.) because we don't want her to hurt herself, and b.) because she is making us pay attention to her because we don't want her to hurt herself and we don't want her to think that a little head banging gets her her way. If any such behavior arises, we try the good old distraction method by completely turning her attention elsewhere. This typically solves the problem...for now.
Kate is very independent so she does not like being constricted, especially if she would like to go somewhere/get something. She is very curious and we have tried to allow all safe exploration of the house and things about the house as much as we can.
Mobility and Motions
Kate's primary mode of transportation is walking. She took her first steps a few weeks ago and has been perfecting the art ever since!
She can shake her head sideways for 'no' and she is very good at pointing, waving and clapping. We are working on the 'yes' head nod. We realize we are only at the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Kate's physical feats.
Kate vocabulary includes the following words spoken in chronological order:
Dog (similar to 'dah' and usually accompanied with high-pitched squealing.)
She is becoming very vocal, saying 'ugh' and 'mmm' and pointing at whatever she wants.
Overall Demeanor
Kate is such a sweetheart. She has such a pleasant demeanor and rarely cries. We know something is really wrong when she is upset because for the most part she is such a happy baby! She is also extremely intelligent and we are constantly getting complimented on how smart she is. She loves to observe children and adults (and dogs) but really watches and pays attention and takes the world in. She is our sweet angel girl and we have been, are and will continue to be over the moon with joy that she is part of our lives!
As I write this, I realize that even though time is flying by, my
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