Brian and I both had an idea of what we wanted our 'save the date' to look like pretty soon after we got engaged. In fact, we actually managed to complete them well before we needed to! Now that we've actually gotten them sent out, I thought it would be nice to post a picture of them. Believe it or not, once we had decided to do our save the dates this way, this was the first photo booth we went into, and our first take. (We had a couple practice ones the day before!) We made the signs that are in each photo and then photoshopped our information at the bottom of the photo. We then sent them off to be put on magnets, and voilĂ ! We made our save the date!
Our last touch was our presentation. We put together a design with card stock of what we hope our wedding colors will be similar to and sent them off to our recipients. All in all, we were both pretty impressed! Here's our final product:
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