Sunday, April 22, 2012

Baby Bump or Big Breakfast?

Our dear neighbor, Virginia, invited Brian and I and our other neighbor, Ed, to brunch today at the prestigious Scioto Country Club where she is a member.  Together, we encompass our little block, and, believe it or not, Ed has lived in his house for over 40 years and Virginia in hers for over 50 and they had never met until today!  It was quite the gathering!

There was breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, and dessert options, all of which were exquisite!  We definitely dined away while we got to know our neighbors a bit more and enjoyed an amazing brunch that we otherwise would not have been able to attend.  (Scioto Country Club is very exclusive and only members are allowed.)

In addition to enjoying a fabulous brunch, we are also anxiously anticipating my expanding belly!  We are in the middle of our 13th week and while there's not too much "bumping" going on, we think there's a little bump forming.  We're not sure if it's baby driven or big breakfast driven, but we think there's a little something there, so we decided to post a photo of what we have deemed our "little bump" until we can fully graduate to our "baby bump"!:

13 weeks & 2 days: baby bump or big breakfast?  You decide.

When I am fully clothed you still cannot tell a difference in my physical appearance.  My normal clothes still fit but my tummy has definitely changed/been changing since we found out we were expecting!  We know we are just at the tip of the iceberg when it comes to physical changes, but it has really been amazing to become more in tune with my body watch my "normal" transform into "pregnant".

Baby makin' is no joke!


  1. That bump is comin' along! Bambino is growing and forming every day. It's wonderful to be in the loop and hear all about your steps along the way. Love you guys, Gram

  2. :) It is coming along. Our little bambino is certainly growing! This morning I feel like I look "more pregnant" than usual, and it's kinda weird...

    Love you, Gram!
