Monday, December 17, 2012

The Sniffles

My baby has the sniffles
And it really breaks my heart.
I wish there was something I could do
To make her cold depart.

Her nose is stuffy, her cough is dry
It's making her life hard.
And if I could I really would
Give this cold a red card.

For no longer is it welcome
It never really was;
Go on your way, you stinkin' cold!
Because I say so.  Just because.

You make my baby uncomfortable
And for that you shall pay.
I am her Mommy.
You shall not live another day.

Be it a lesson learned for you
To never cross paths with me.
Or any baby in the world
Unless you want the wrath of Mommy.

For we sleep with one eye open
Watching out for you.
We will protect, we will prevail
So go on, we bid you adieu.

Cold's suck, but they suck even more when your Baby has one.


  1. Awwww, poor little angel...and Mommy, too. Your TLC will help her more than anything. You're such a good Mom. OX Gram

  2. I hope so. We all have a little bit of the sniffles, but I wish I could help Kate get rid of hers first. Thanks for the positivity, Gram!
