Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Many Sounds of Kate

When Kate was first born her cry sounded more of what I described as a pterodactyl cry rather than a newborn baby cry.  Out of nowhere you would hear this raspy, screechy, prehistoric battle call.  It was absolutely adorable and made us all smile each time our little girl needed our attention.  As a matter of fact, the very first night we were home from the hospital Kate let out her pterodactyl call in the middle of the night.  This caused Jack to start barking...  It sounds like chaos, and it was for a moment, but we composed ourselves, and our dog, and took care of our sweet baby.

That pterodactyl sound morphed into an occasional hawk call and then very clearly into more of a screech owl type of sound.  (I'm not entirely sure why all these sounds come from animals of flight when Kate clearly will not be flying herself.)

It has now morphed into a very funny babble!  Unfortunately, I don't have any pterodactyl, hawk, or screech owl videos that I am aware of, but I do have several funny babbling videos:

(Please excuse the poor filming in this one.  I'm not entirely sure how the camera turned off and then back on and kept recording.  Ahh, technology!)

Now, if that doesn't make you smile, perhaps this one will:

Still at it the very next day:

We're not entirely sure where the next speech transition is going to take us, but we will be sure to have our cameras on hand for whatever Kate decides to throw our way!  I can only imagine it will be vowel sounds, or perhaps even first words!!!


  1. omg, these videos and pics are SO amazing! Thank you SO much for sharing your precious Kate with us. Itr's the next best thing to being there. I think she wants to talk really bad! Many kisses and hugs for my first great-grandchild, GG

  2. We are so glad we are able to share! Miss you both! xo!
