Friday, September 30, 2016

The Makeover

Sometimes you find yourself in a rut and in desperate need of a change in order to get yourself out of said rut.  That is how I've felt with our blog.  I can't keep up.  I can't even catch up.  I didn't care for our "look".  I didn't care for our set up in our posts.  I didn't care for the time it was/is taking me to accomplish my goals that seemlingly keep not getting accomplished because of the inefficiency of the way I've been doing things.

Well, folks, it's time I put a stop to it all.  I AM GETTING CAUGHT UP AND I'M STAYING CAUGHT UP ONCE AND FOR ALL!  (I've convinced myself if I write it in all caps and send it out in the bloggerific world it'll actually happen.)

I've got the following months to catch up on:

October 2015
November 2015
December 2015
June 2016
July 2016
August 2016
September 2016

And I'll be getting them all done in some sort of fashion - I'm hoping sooner rather than later but time will only tell.  (I may have had these same hopes before...)

I've updated our "look" by finding a neat background, throwing it in photoshop, fiddling for a few minutes and calling it ours.  While I'm not 100% happy with the look yet, I'm light years beyond how I felt it was so I'm calling that a win. 

I'm also going back to posting my albums as one photo in my post with a link to all the other photos.  The only exception I can think of to this will be videos or quickie posts that don't warrant an entire album.  The reason I went to posting photos in posts instead of albums is because a.) I didn't think people were seeing the full albums, and b.) I thought it would be easier.  Turns out, the people that will want to see the full album will, and it's not back to albums it is.  The other plus with the albums is I get to keep my photos organized by album, can share with other friends and family if I just want to send them the album, and my photos aren't itsy bitsy teensy weeny.  I've kept this blog for OVER SEVEN YEARS mainly as our family record keeper, but also to keep my fam and friends in the loop.  WE DESERVE REAL PHOTOS!  Not postage stamp size images.  That completely defeats the purpose of record keeping to me.

SO, in lieu of all of this, as I complete a month that I am behind on, I will link it to the respecting month above.  I will attempt to keep future months up to date but have not yet decided if I will post them yet or not.  That's how I end up with these gaps of months that I am behind on.

It's time to get caught up and enjoy this lovely space that we call ours.

This is OUR blog.  It is a priority.  This is our life.  And it's the little moments like these that make it all worth living.

#doglife  #shelovespups
#carefreelivin  #mayabear
