What a better way to commemorate this half birthday than a little check-in on all of us!
In honor of our birthday girl, we'll start with her first!
We had Maya's six month appointment today and learned that she weighs 15 lbs. 12 oz. (40th percentile) and is 25 1/4" tall (20th percentile). She's a petite little one but that doesn't stop her from getting around. Maya is mobile. Yes, people, you read that right. She's not crawling, yet, but she does this combination army crawl/inchworm/roll type of thing that gets her where she needs to go...and quickly. In the next few weeks, girlfriend is going to have crawling down pat and that is SCARY! I'm not sure if she's trying to keep up with her big sister or what but Kate started crawling around 9 months, so seeing Maya this mobile at 6 months is really shocking to me.
In addition to being so mobile, Maya has also attempted waving on command. I think I've seen her do it a handful of times, and as a very proud Mommy of this wonderful little girl, I'm going to consider all of these times successes! She also totally knows her name. Every time she hears it, she looks adoringly at whoever called it!
Maya is successfully reaching for me when she wants me and reaches for me when I go to pick her up. She is very much a Mama's girl right now, like, starts fussing when I get up to leave her sight and don't have her in tow or throws a full on screaming crying out of nowhere if I completely leave her sight for a moment, like, grabbing something from the kitchen. I know these phases are fleeting, so I continue to soak each and every one of them up. And, to be honest, it melts my heart a teensy bit every time she wants me. #mamamakesitbetter #fornow
Maya is a vocal little one but gets really high pitch loud when she's hungry or tired. She is SO a creature of habit and loves her a schedule. As a matter of fact, she kind of made her own schedule. She wakes around 8-8:30 am most days. Then takes a morning nap around 10 am for 45 min to an hour. Then takes a 2-3 hour afternoon nap starting around 1:30 pm. I typically start baths for Kate and Maya after dinner, shortly after 6 pm these short winter evenings, and after bath Maya wants to be fed and go to bed. No doddling after bath for this one. She wants to snuggle with her purple blanket, get nice and cozy, fill her tummy, and enter slumberland. I mean, I strategically take Maya out of the bath last if Kate does bathe with Maya because once Maya is out she is ready for bed.
Over the last couple of months she has starting waking up more in the night - 2-3 times - but, again, I'm soaking up all the phases, even the middle of the night ones. I know they won't last.
Maya tried rice cereal for the first time yesterday and sweet potatoes are next on the list. I'm interested to see how she likes them for it seems she's been pining for food for months! And she has two teeth now, so it won't be long before we add cheerios and other finger foods into the mix too!
She continues to be the world's easiest, happiest, and sweetest baby. I am still amazed at how much she smiles, how easy going she is and how adorable she is. I mean, other than me leaving her line of sight and being ready for bed immediately after bath, I rarely hear Maya cry. Even when she wakes up, a lot of times she still just lays there in bed and looks around and cuddles with her blanket!
At six months old, Maya continues to amaze me. She is so smart and down to earth and such a complete and total joy. She is the perfect addition to our family!
Kate continues to amaze me as well. She is the cutest big sis and still gets the biggest and best smiles from Maya without any prompting. It's almost as if Maya saves those smiles for Kate only and lets them shine when they are together. Kate continues to snuggle, cuddle, kiss, and wrestle Maya at all times, however, with Maya's recent turn of mobility, we have seen and heard a bit of, "I don't want her to touch my [fill in the blank]..." or, "She can't play with [fill in the blank]...". We're working on this but it is but a minor bump in the grand scheme of things.
Kate is still so sweet to Maya and will fetch her lovies, toys, teethers from the freezer, etc. and will literally tell you what Maya wants/needs when she wants/needs it. And most times I believe her. It's like a sister telepathy these two have and I'm not going to mess with the forces. I'm just going to go with them!
I am super proud of my big girl for being such an impressive big sister and role model and I look forward to seeing her grow and shine in her new role.
I am six months in to being a Mommy of two and it's becoming harder and harder to remember what life was like with just one child. I've continued to incorporate both girls into our daily activities, unless one or the other is napping, and everything is working out pretty well. I'm adjusting to life at home with these two lovely ladies (and our crazy dog) and thanking my lucky stars for living such a blessed life. I mean, these two little girls are all mine and I get to be their Mama. What did I do to deserve this? I don't know but I am extremely grateful for it.
Now, don't get me wrong, there are times that I am so curious as to what my blood pressure is, but then I will get one child satisfied with whatever she needs and move on to the next and am able to take a deep breath. For the most part, my day is full of joy with these two and I absolutely cannot wait for warmer days and more sunshine so we can get outside more!
Brian is six months into being a Daddy of two and I think he really enjoys it! He gets to conversate and play with his oldest daughter (when she lets him) and snuggle and coo at his youngest daughter (when she lets him). I asked him the other day how he thought he'd handle getting two girls ready in the morning before work and he got this distant, fearful look in his eye and said, "I have no clue...", so I'm thinking he's enjoying me staying at home too!
These girls are his pride and joy and he continues to be amazed at how intelligent, beautiful, and amazing they both are. I know it because he tells me and I can see they way he looks at them.
So, a very, merry half birthday to you, Maya! We can hardly believe you are six months old already! We love you to the moon and back, Little Bear!
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Wait, what? You mean I can't put this booklet in my mouth? Annnnndddd why'd you give it to me? |
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World's happiest baby. Seriously. |
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Tearing into the paper just like her big sis did and sitting like a pro! |
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Seeing her destruction! |
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Big sis is fully supportive of said destruction! |
My attempts to get both girls to smile in one picture:
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First attempt: one smiling; one looking the other way... |
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Second attempt: one now distracted; one smiling... |
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Third attempt: both looking; one semi-smiling. I chalked this one up to a success. |
Precious! Love the pics of the sisters at the pedi!