Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Welcome Mommyhood: Mom of Two Edition

When I was nearly three months in to being a Mom to new baby Kate, I wrote my Welcome Mommyhood post.  And at my first official Mother's Day, I kind of continued it.

Now that I'm nearly six months into being a Mom of two, I thought it would only be fitting to write another Welcome Mommyhood post since you enter a new level of Mommyhood once you have your second child.  Yes, I've determined that.  It's the platinum status.

On Having My Hands Full
I became ambidextrous when I had Kate because I was holding her with my right arm and hence living with my left.  Now that I have Kate AND Maya, and a lot of times they are both in my arms for a "challenge" and/or the carseat too, I have become really, REALLY good at doing things with my legs...like opening doors.  It's really quite impressive.  I'm not sure what that is called.

On People Telling Me I Have My Hands Full
No shit, Sherlock(s).  Would you like to assist by getting the door, perhaps?  I can't tell you how many people have said this to me.  As if I didn't know my hands were full.  But, you know what, I wouldn't have it any other way.  And that's what I say when someone says that to me.

On Nasal Aspirators
I was not a fan of these little contraptions with Kate.  I distinctly remember her pediatrician showing me how to use it on Kate and she made it look so easy.  I think I tried it once and resorted to the ol' suck 'em out yourself method...which barely worked, if I recall.  With baby number two, not only am I not afraid of the nasal aspirator, but I can also use it like a pro.  Seriously.  I'll get the mucus pulled right out of your nose if you just lay right on the changing table...or the floor...or anywhere flat for that matter.

On Confidence
There's something about being a second-time parent that gives you an aura of confidence.  I saw it firsthand in Brian while we were at the hospital with Maya and I felt it then myself too.  It's like you've done this before and you know what to do and you've got this.  Plus, after living with a toddler, I'm finding newborns are a piece of cake.  This Mommy and Daddy confidence is amazing.

On Time Management
Before I had one child, I thought I was pretty good with time management.  I quickly learned that that was not the case.  I have no FREAKING clue what I did before I had Kate.  I think I sat on the couch and watched TV my entire life.  (#hopefullynot)  But then I had my first child and I thought I became a pro at time management.  (#ithoughtwrongagain)  And when baby number two came around, I realized that I have no idea what time management is all about nor do I know how to control it.  #igiveup  #officially  #timewins

On Efficiency
Shopping with one child is challenging.  Shopping with two is damn near impossible, so I've become real efficient at my grocery shopping.  I have lists, I game plan my grocery store route in my head prior to going in, I park near cart drop-offs, I bring snacks, and sanitizer, and make up grocery store games.  I've also learned to shop with two carts - kids and carseat in one, me in the middle, and pulling groceries in another.

On Sleep (Or Lack There Of)
My whole life I have always been the sort of person that enjoyed and perhaps needed sleep.  As a babe, I enjoyed going to bed.  As a teenager, I would sneak off while family was over and go to bed.  When I was pregnant with Kate, I was worried about my "spoiled" sleep habits and how I would adjust.  Nowadays, with two babes, a husband, and a dog, I rarely sleep.  And if I do, it's very light.  Hello from the other side bags under my eyes. #ohivecomesofar  #wheresthemakeup

On Cleanliness
This commercial - it's true.  You wash and sanitize and wash again the toys and binks that fall to the floor with your first child.  With your second, a quick rinse will do...  I can't imagine what happens to the children beyond two...  Oh, wait.  They are probably the ones eating the sand, right?!

I'm sure I will think of more to add to this list.  And when I do, I'll either add it or start a new list.  After all, that's one thing I'm pretty good at these days...making 'to-do' lists.

Hello, platinum status.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Third kids are totally eating sand! And their mama is thinking "that's totally fine...she's quiet and sand won't hurt do her any serious harm." And holy moly, AMEN about using time wisely. WHAT DID WE DO BEFORE WE HAD CHILDREN?! I remember thinking I was "busy." Ha! Big fat ha!
