Sunday, May 27, 2012


We took a home pregnancy test, and it came back positive.  We've been to the doctor and confirmed our pregnancy.  I've been nauseous and exhausted and have had more headaches in the last 4.5 months than I can remember in my life.  We've had two ultrasounds where we saw a baby wriggling in my someone's stomach, AND we've heard a heart beat while a doppler system was pressed against my tummy, or so it seemed.  But...I think I've lost the little bump that I had...

So I'm beginning to wonder: am I getting Punk'd?

This thought dawned on me this morning.  If Brian is pulling a nine month Punk'd prank on me, my family, his family, and all of our friends, I would be incredibly impressed with his skills and I would forever bow to the Prank King.  I'm not sure how this could actually be pulled off, and it would make more sense if I was punking him, in this situation at least, but I am really starting to question if we are really having a baby...

I mean, Brian could have planted a positive pregnancy test in our bathroom...(I'm not sure where he would've gotten this from, but he has a million friends - surely one of them is expecting.)  And he could have called up the doctor and told them to play along.  (I don't think I'd have any more faith in the practice I attend if they actually agreed to this.)  And the nausea, exhaustion, and headaches (and lack of period) could be blamed on stress... (I have been quite very stressed over the last few months.)  The ultrasounds could have been pre-recorded, as well as the heartbeat on the doppler, and the semi-bump that I was sporting could have been blamed on my bowels.  (That wouldn't be the first time.)  I haven't felt any sort of movement that I am aware of, and we are supposedly 4.5 MONTHS PREGNANT - yet, even I, the one that has thought all along that she was pregnant, am having a hard time believing it.  (Brian, do you have something to confess to?) 

(By the way, 4.5 months is nearly half way there.  So, technically, if Baby #2 comes along, we could hold off on telling anyone until we are at 20 weeks.  It's not like anyone is going to suspect anything other than the fact that I'm normally a lush and I would be passing on all alcoholic drinks, right?!)

Folks, I am confused six ways to Sunday, and I have no explanation as to what is going on here.  I thought we were having a baby, now I think I'm experiencing a combination of stress, slight weight gain, and constipation.  And if I am in fact pregnant, where the heck is this kid hiding?!  (Baby, don't make me come in there.)

I'll keep you posted, and if you happen to hear anything that may seem slightly out of the ordinary in regards to this situation, I would be forever grateful if you passed the word along to me.  Perhaps we should change our baby girl/baby boy poll to do you think Erin's pregnant - yes or no - poll...

Even Jack is skeptical at this point.

This would be the best Punk'd prank ever...

...And I'd be the one getting Punk'd.

[Extremely] Confused in Columbus


  1. Perhaps it's Brian that's preggers

  2. Of course you are having a baby! My mom said she still didn't show much at about 4 or 5 months. Not to worry, you'll be getting a VERY BIG BELLY before you know it and you and your back will wish for the good old days!

    Love you,

  3. Gram, I was thinking the same thing. I won't be wishing away my semi-normal size anytime soon! :) I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one in the family!

    Grampy, I think that's impossible... ;)
