We had another doctor's appointment today. We are plus one on the
L-B front, our tummy was measuring right at 37-38 cm, and our baby's heartbeat was a-whoosh whoosh-ing away on the fetal doppler. Our doctor said that we are right on target.
Then she performed our internal exam.
Remember those four parameters that she was looking for?? Cervix effacement, dilation, station, and baby position??
Do you recall where we fell on the parameter scale the
last time our doctor checked us?? For a quick refresher, she said that my cervix was 50% effaced, we were not dilated, our baby was hanging out at a
-1 station, and she was definitely head down.
And then we had our appointment today, and she told us that nothing had changed. Nothing?
She said my cervix was still thick, we did not have any dilation, the baby was still at a -1 station, and still head down.
And that's when I asked about my cervix.
I explained that last week she mentioned we were 50% effaced, and I was just curious as to what the "thick" diagnosis was supposed to mean. Well, Ladies and Gents, it means you are not effaced at all. And according to the notes that our doc had written down at our appointment last week, I was not effaced at that last appointment either.
Ok, so we are still two weeks out. Everybody and every body is different. But I would be lying if I didn't say that I was a little disappointed to hear that a.) we hadn't made any noticeable physical progress toward labor - after all, I am an over achiever by nature, and b.) that we had kind of taken a step back since we learned that we actually weren't 50% effaced at all. We are 0% effaced, and apparently that is what we were last week too.
Would it be really ridiculous if I sat on an exercise ball instead of a chair for the rest of my work days?!
I know that our baby and my body will let us know when the time is right. We do still need to pack our hospital bags - maybe she knows that and wants us to be prepared?? That is awfully thoughtful, but I do hope that we have a better progress report next week. After all, it is a progress, right?! And that means a little closer each time, right?!
Here's to making more progress, adding another week of pregnancy under our belt, and taking one (or two) steps closer to our due date!
On a very side note, this Thursday is October 11th and officially the start of our 38th week. If our little girl were born that day, her birthday would be 10/11/12! I think that is such a neat birthday. Obviously, the
actual birth day of our little girl will be the neatest of them all, but 10/11/12 is still pretty cool!